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Good Humans, Good Design: Meet Accounting & Office Associate Eleni Foreso

Writer: Hannah SloanHannah Sloan

This week's Q + A is with Eleni Foreso, Unscripted rockstar since 2020 and Accounting and Office Associate at our Colorado HQ. Eleni is smart, incredibly thoughtful, and filled with so much light! Everything she touches is made better, and we couldn't be more grateful to have her talents on our team. We recently got to sit down with her to chat more about her career and perspective on design, life, and of course, being a good human—and we couldn't wait to share!

Unscripted Interiors Accounting and Office Associate Eleni Foreso

All Things Unscripted

Q: Tell us about your role in the company.

A: My role at Unscripted covers a lot of different avenues, but my formal title is the Accounting & Office Associate. I take care of all our office needs, travel requests, and accounts payable.

Q: How have you evolved throughout your career? What past experiences brought you to the design industry?

A: Before Unscripted I spent most of the last 20 years being a stay-at-home mom, so we must go way back to get to my love for all things pretty. When I was in college, I found a part time job at a clothing store in the mall. My manager took me under her wing and taught me all things merchandising. I quickly advanced through the company and by the time I was 24 I was managing one of the top three stores in the company. I loved making a store pretty! This also spilled into my home as a hobby. I had dreams of owning my own boutique. Fast forward to 2020, life circumstances forced me back into full-time work. When I saw a job listing for accounts payable at a design firm, I was all in.

Q: What is your favorite part about working at Unscripted?

A: The people! I truly feel so blessed to be amongst this group of people. They really are the best of the best.

Getting Personal

Q: Outside of work, is there something (or a few things) you’re passionate about? What are your hobbies?

A: As I said before, I do love pretty things and love to make over rooms in my home repeatedly. It is fun for me and that is what you can usually find me doing over the holiday break.

I also love cooking and baking. When I was in college, I lived near my yiayia (Greek for grandmother). She taught me many of our family recipes, and I loved spending that time with her in the kitchen. She was my inspiration in the kitchen. Cooking and baking are my love language.

Eleni family photo and recipe book
A page from the Foreso recipe book + a precious photo of Eleni and her yiayia

Q: What does being a good human mean to you?

A: In the Greek culture there is a term, philoxenia. It literally translates to love the stranger.

"Show grace, kindness, hospitality, forgiveness, and maybe most importantly humility. This is how I strive to be a good human."

Q: What serves as your own personal creative outlet and keeps you inspired?

A: Music. It has as far back as I can remember. My dad is big into music. He was a drummer in high school. We grew up on the classics, from the Temptations to Led Zeppelin. Throughout my life music has played a role in my days from skating choreography, to choir, to musical theatre, even singing my babies to sleep. Music is where I get lost. It motivates me and inspires me.

Q: Tell us about a favorite trip you’ve been on or place you’ve been.

A: My favorite trip is still my honeymoon. We went to Acadia National Park in Maine. We stayed at a small bed and breakfast and lived among the locals. Many people go and stay in Bar Harbor, but we chose to stay on the opposite side of the island. I loved exploring the island and seeing the wildlife, and the lifestyle there was so quaint.

Q: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

A: Greece, specifically Chania or Ikaria. My dad’s family is from Chania, Crete. I dream of spending time there.

Q: What is something that most people don’t know about you?

A: From ages 5-18 I was a competitive figure skater. I was in a commercial with Olympic legend Dorothy Hamill when I was in high school. It was an in-office spot for eye doctor offices across the country. She was the reason I started skating in the first place. Meeting her was a dream. I still love to lace up and skate every now and then.

Eleni ice skating
Eleni and her hidden talent—figure skating!

Q: If you could give one piece of advice, what would it be?

A: Life is short. Tell your loved ones you love them every day and spend time with them.


Thanks so much, Eleni for spending some time with us! Want more? Follow our blog to keep up with good humans, good design and get to know our Unscripted Rockstars!

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